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Writer's pictureHelen Smith

Are we alive to the voice of our own consciousness?

Updated: May 22, 2023

What pace do you live life at, operate at on a daily basic? In our 24/7 digital environment which has been precipitated further in 2020 with lockdowns and working online we have starkly realised how interconnected we are and how we are being bombarded with not only what is happening in our locality but globally, with a constant stream of information. This information can shock our consciousness regularly throughout the day keeping us in an alert state. We need our consciousness to be alert for our clients.

As coaches we are focused on what we need to deliver, including the need to be in the moment and to be conscious of the best way to support the client we are working with. Our consciousness cannot be obscured by the noise of information around us and give full voice to our clients. Voice in human relations terms is vital for an individual to feel valued, recognised, appreciated and listened to. As coaches we offer this possibility to our clients to express their voice, to share their fears, reservations, dilemmas, concerns and challenges. How can we hold this space if we are not fully conscious of it and of the need to create a unique space for each client?

We refer to coaching as a Practice, but practice is not a habit which becomes automatic with time. Coaching practice needs our consciousness – full cognition of our actions and thoughts. To do this we need to commit to our practice, and this may mean recalibrating on a regular basic to ensure that we can be at our best and fully conscious for our clients.

This is the gift supervision provides us – a safe space to be alive to our consciousness, to listen to our internal voices, to enhance our own personal wellbeing and to feel we can enhance the wellbeing of others through being fully conscious for our clients.

We would love to make a space for you at CSP if you are ready to commit to your practice.


With thanks to Simon Migaj and Shawn Rodgers for sharing their photos on Unsplash

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